
Christian Scientists turn to God to find solutions to all kinds of problems, including financial, health, relationship and employment challenges. Healing is the cornerstone of our church, and we strive to follow the example of Christ Jesus in finding answers to life’s challenges - big or small - with scientific, healing prayer. You can read testimonies of healing by people from all around the world in the church’s magazines, which are available in our Reading Room. Here we are posting testimonies that have been given recently by members and friends at the Wednesday testimony meetings here in Knoxville. 


Is Christian Science related to Scientology?
Christian Science is sometimes confused with Scientology, New Age practices, faith healing, and Eastern religions. It has also been called un-Christian or labeled a cult.  Actually, Christian Science is none of these things.  Christian Science is deeply Christian, and Christian Scientists strive to follow the teachings of Christ Jesus through understanding and practicing the laws of God.